
As with any kind of biking, the first step to commuting is to review the basic starting points of riding a bike and learn the rules of the road. Commuting does not require any additional preparations or knowledge beyond those outlined in getting started and rules of the road. Check out these tips to make your commute the best it can be!

Start simply

Try your first bike commute on a nice day as your schedule allows. Plan a route that works for you and give yourself a little extra time for your first commute. Riding your commute ahead of time can be a great opportunity to explore the best route options.

Commuting does not have to be a workout

Biking to work does not have to be an athletic endeavor; it can be a calm, leisurely ride. Only you can determine the riding style that works best for your commute. Remember: it’s not a race!

Dressing for biking to work

The easiest way to dress for biking to work is to simply wear your work clothes on your bike. However, some people may want or need to change part of all of their outfit when arriving at work. You can carry a change of clothes on your bike or, if possible, store a change of clothes or shoes at your workplace. Some employers have showers or locker rooms. Check out the clothing and gear section for more information about what to wear when biking.

Staying fresh

Worried about getting sweaty? There’s nothing wrong with sweat, but most people can largely avoid it by riding at an easy, comfortable place and wearing comfortable, breathable clothing.

Carrying stuff

You may wish to carry clothing, work supplies and other items with you. Check out equipment and accessories for ideas how to carry stuff on your bike.

Bring a snack

Biking and can make you hungry. Having extra snacks is never a bad idea.

Have a backup plan

Have a plan if you encounter an issue like getting a flat or bad weather. A few options: phone a friend, grab a Nice Ride, use a taxi or rideshare, take the bus or use Metro Transit’s guaranteed ride home program.

Resources for commuters

Move Minneapolis promotes active transportation with a focus on people who work, live in, and visit downtown Minneapolis. Check out their resources on biking in and around downtown.

Move Minnesota collaborates with advocates, neighbors, workplaces and government staff and officials to address transportation needs in St. Paul and across Minnesota.

Commuter Services is the outreach program of the I-494 Corridor Commission, a joint powers organization established in 1986 to address concerns about increasing traffic congestion along the I-494 Corridor.

Commute Solutions of Anoka County is a free commuter resource available to help determine sustainable alternatives when commuting to and from work in the Anoka country area.

Metro Transit is a great tool to pair with biking. To learn about how to travel on a bus or train with your bike, check out Metro Transit’s website. You can also find information on bike lockers in the Twin Cities.