
Whether you’re interested in exercise, spending time outdoors or just exploring your neighborhood, recreational biking is a fun way to get moving! Just like any kind biking, the first step to recreational biking is to review the basic starting points of riding a bike and learn the rules of the road.

Although recreational biking does not require any additional preparation or knowledge beyond the basics, these tips might make your ride more enjoyable.

Clothing: You do not need special clothing or shoes to bike for recreation. Wear whatever makes you comfortable. Check out the clothing and gear section for more information about what to wear when biking.

Water and food: It’s always a good idea to bring water and a snack. You never know when your ride will take your further than expected!

Carrying stuff: You may want to carry extra clothes, water, food or other items on your bike. Check out the equipment and accessories section for ideas how to carry stuff on your bike.

Mountain biking

The Twin Cities area boasts an extensive mountain biking trail network. For a list of trails, current trail conditions, and other mountain biking resources, check out the Minnesota Off-Road Cyclists website.

Slow Roll Twin Cities

Slow Roll Twin Cities is a judgement-free bike ride where everyone is welcome. Each week , they take a unique route throughout the city, including all the major and minor neighborhoods that we are so proud of but may be underrepresented in the cycling conversation or the home of historically oppressed communities.


Interested in racing your bike? Check out the Minnesota Cycling Federation. The local association of USA Cycling, Minnesota Cycling Federation (MCF) is made up of bicycle racing clubs in our state. MCF works to provide education, promote bike racing skills and safety, and, of course, promote bicycle races!